Jan 31, 2025
By: Dr. Christopher Motley
Back, Shoulder, and Cheek Breakouts? Check for SIBO=Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Your digestive system has a balance of good bacteria versus the bad bacteria. If the bad bacteria start to win, they can produce a harmful toxins that can result in breakouts.
A simple step to help cleanse the Small
What feeds SIBO? Anything that can create an anaerobic (oxygen free), acidic environment. The main culprit is refined sugar-white sugar, simple sugars and starches.
Simple sugars:
- Cakes, colas, baked treats, cows milk, and dairy products, etc.
- Corn syrup (High fructose corn syrup)
- Fructose-Fruit sugars
- Sucrose-sugar cane, sugar beets, maple syrup
Simple starches:
- White Potatoes
- Cereals
- Grains and Rice
Eliminating these foods will create a die off that can diminish upper back, forehead, and cheek breakouts.
The next thing to look at are the elimination pathways, such as the large intestine, small intestine, kidneys, bladder, length, and skin. These need to flow properly so the toxins don’t try to come out through the skin. We can keep jt simple, get your bowels to move regularly to help clear up the small intestinal bacteria toxicity.
Everyone is unique, and it is advised to find a holistic practitioner that can test products to help you clear out the small intestinal bacteria even further if needed. But here are some general supplements I have found help patients clear their skin.
- Triphala powder by Banyan Botanicals
- Bowel Mover by Cell Core
Toxin Binding:
- Biotoxin Binder by Cell Core
- Takesumi supreme by Supreme Nutrition Products
Daily acupressure:
- LI 4 and 20, ST 1, SP 6, and KI 27
- Rub for 10 seconds on each point on both sides of the body three times a day.
- Do this continuously to keep your drainage system open.
Try these daily practices and see if they help to reduce your breakouts. If you still have summer breakouts reoccurring, that is a good time to find a good practitioner to help find specific spices and herbs to help clean out the digestive tract.
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